The budget consists of the following components. The amounts will depend on the duration and amplitude of the proposed program:

  1. NSERC funding: costs related to the scientific activities included in the program: workshops, schools, graphic design (posters and web page banners);
  2. Up to 2 Aisenstadt chairs;
  3. Simons funding (subject to extension of our grant, spring 2024):
  • 1. Visiting professors and scholars;
  • 2. 1 full or 2 halves postdoctoral fellow support;
  • 3. In exceptional cases: support for 1 teaching-relief for an organizer;
  1. FRQ funding: French researchers participating in thematic program activities;
  2. CNRS-IRL possible support for long-term stays for French researchers (to be discussed with the IRL director);
  3. Outside sources: organizers are encouraged to apply for financial support from other organizations, such as NSF, Clay Mathematics Institute, etc.

Note : We strongly suggest avoiding organizing activities on public holidays.

If this were to be the case the support provided by the CRM would take into account the additional overtime cost for the personel, the amound would be subsumed within the budget offered.


(Deadline: 1 year before the beginning of the program)

A page on our website will be dedicated to your event. Therefore, please provide us with the following elements:

  1. Brief descriptions of the program in English and French;
  2. Brief descriptions of the workshops, in English and French, with planned dates;
  3. A list of guest speakers along with their affiliations and email addresses;
  4. Biography in English and French of the Aisenstadt Chairs.

There will be an online registration form for each activity

We can provide the following optional components:

  1. Online financial support request form if you plan to partially cover travel costs for students, young researchers.
  2. Online submission form if you want to organize a poster session.
  3. Candidate pre-selection application form*
    *Allow up to three months, when a visa is required to enter Canada.

(Deadline: 6 months before the beginning of the program)

We can prepare a physical and digital poster including the title, event dates, brief description, organizers, financial partners, speaker list (optional) and any other information you wish to add.

The approximate cost is $2,500 for 200 17×23 inch copies + web page banners.

Please send us a high-resolution image related to your theme so that we can submit them to our graphic designer for the design of the poster.


(Deadline: 6 months to 1 year before the beginning of the program)

We suggest you first send an informal invitation to the speakers you wish to invite. Official invitation letters from the CRM, specifying the funding offered, will then be sent by email to each invitee.

Possible financing offers depending on the budget:

To be noted: Expect prices to increase in the coming years contrary to the budget.

The budget with the funding offered to speakers must be established 1 year in advance.

Financial support for participants can cover the following 3 components:

  1. Travel expenses

Travel expenses must be economy class.

Limited to round-trip transportation between home and accommodation at the activity location, including transfers from/to the airport.

Note : The CRM cannot reserve tickets.

  1. Accommodation
  • If reserved by the CRM: direct billing to the CRM;
  • If reservation made by participants: reimbursement up to the maximum offered.
  1. Per diem

To cover meals and other daily expenses (no receipts required)

  • Maximum $70/day if accommodation is covered;
  • Maximum $113.75/day if accommodation is not covered.

(Deadline: 3 months before each workshop)

A registration fee must be charged for each activity.

These fees are necessary to partially cover the costs of coffee breaks. We will also need to know the approximate number of participants expected.

The CRM offers a reception for each Aisenstadt Chair lecture series. Other social activities such as receptions or banquets must be self-funded via additional registration fees.

The minimum registration fees per week are as follows in 2025:

  • 40 $ for students;
  • 70 $ for postdoctoral researchers;
  • 120 $ for professors;
  • Amount to be determined for social activities, allow for fees of $30 to $150.

Note 1: Take into consideration in the budget that speakers generally do not pay registration fees, but they must pay fees for social activities.

Note 2: The organizers are responsible for organizing the banquets if they choose to have them.


(Deadline: 2 months before each workshop)

In order to provide technical assistance, we will need to know the mode of presentation of the activity: in-person only or hybrid.


If you would like certain sessions to be recorded on Zoom and/or broadcast on YouTube, you must make a request and explain the reasons, as we will need to provide the necessary resources.


(Deadline: 2 months before each workshop)

  • 2 months in advance: A preliminary program in order to build the schedule, reserve the premises, and plan breaks.
  • 1 month in advance: A final program with titles and abstracts.

Titles and abstracts:

We can set up a form to collect titles, abstracts, mode of presentation, and recording permission if applicable.


(For each completed activity)

The organizers of each activity will have to submit a report; they will receive a reminder email to this effect.


(For each completed activity)

CRM must include the actual amounts of financial contributions from external partners such as NSF, MSRI, etc. in its annual report to NSERC. If you have obtained such funding, and expenses have been paid directly by these partners without going through CRM, you will need to provide us with the contact details of the people responsible for funding in these organizations.


The Aisenstadt Chair lecturers are invited to submit a manuscript to the CRM Monograph Series, published by the AMS.

The CRM encourages other publications resulting from the thematic program activities, in particular proceedings volumes, which can appear in the CRM’s book series with the AMS or with Springer.

Organizers are asked to contact publications@crm.umontreal.ca to discuss these possibilities.