The Terrasse Royale Hotel is within walking distance of the CRM. All other accommodations are approximately 30 to 40 minutes from the CRM by public transportation.
We have reserved a room block with a group rate at the Terrasse-Royale Hotel.
The rate is available for nights from May 6 to 9 inclusive.
$155/night CAD+taxes for a single room.
$175 night CAD+taxes for a double room.
If you wish to stay at the Terrasse-Royale, you can book by mentioning the room block in the name of the CRM no. 110482 by writing to: or by phone at 1-800-567-0804.
This rate is available for reservation before April 6, 2025. Unreserved rooms will be released and may not be available after this date depending on hotel occupancy.
5225 Côte-des-Neiges Road
Montréal (Quebec) H3T 1Y1
Phone: 514-739-6391
Fax: 514-342-2512
Email :
To get CRM rates, please inform the hotel-keeper upon reservation.
Residence Inn Marriott Montreal Midtown
6785 Décarie Boulevard
Montréal (Quebec) H3W 3E3
Phone: 514-303-8888 / 1-888-303-8881
To get CRM rates, please inform the hotel-keeper upon reservation.
380 Rene-Levesque Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 0A6
Telephone: 1 514-398-9999 / 1 800 678-6323
Residence Inn Montreal Downtown
2045 Peel Street
Montréal (Québec) H3A 1T6
Telephone: 514 982-6064