9h00 – Accueil
9h30 – Simone Brugapaglia (CRM-Concordia, IRL-CRM)
- Invariance, encodings, and generalization: learning identity effects with neural networks
10h00 – Pablo Piantanida (CentraleSupélec/CNRS et directeur de l’IRL-ILLS)
- Information-theoretic methods for trustworthy machine learning
10h45 – Pause café
11h15 – Yves D’Angelo (Université de Nice Cote d’Azur et futur directeur de l’IRL-CRM)
- EEM approach for pre-mixed wrinkled flames
11h45 – Aditya Mahajan (McGill University, IRL-ILLS)
- Approximate planning and learning for partially observed systems
12h30 – Déjeuner
14h00 – Olivier Lafitte (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord et directeur de l’IRL-CRM)
- Band spectrum and integrated density of states for a 1d Schrodinger operator
14h30 – Mark Coates (McGill University et co-directeur de l’IRL-ILLS)
- Avoiding message passing in graph transformers
15h15 – Pause café
15h45 – Rémi Coulon (IRL-CRM, DR CNRS)
- Exploring non-euclidean geometries in virtual reality
16h15 – Christian Desrosiers (Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, IRL-ILLS)
- Image analysis with unlabeled data: Doing more with less