Shabnam Akhtari (Pennsylvania State University)
Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel-Aviv University)
Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem is a central theorem in arithmetic geometry with numerous applications. A simple quantitative version of the theorem says that if f(x,y) is an irreducible polynomial in 2 variables with rational coefficients, then for almost all integers a, the univariate polynomial f(a,y) is irreducible. In recent years there has been a surge of studies on variants of Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem over algebraic groups; that is, replacing x by the coordinates of an algebraic group G. The talk aims to explore these variants, highlighting their connections to analytic number theory.
Sandro Bettin (Università degli studi di Genova)
Using methods from dynamical systems, we determine the asymptotic distribution of modular symbols associated to modular forms of arbitrary weight and level. This includes in particular the case of Eisentein series of arbitrary level which was missing from earlier works on modular symbols of Petridis and Risager, Nordentoft, Lee and Sun, and Bettin and Drappeau. As an application we also determine the distribution of Fourier series with modular coefficients. This is joint work with Sary Drappeau and Jungwon Lee.