Amina Abdurrahman (Stony Brook / IHES)

A formula for symplectic L-functions and Reidemeister torsion


We give a global cohomological formula for the central value of the L-function of a symplectic representation on a curve up to squares. The proof relies crucially on a similar formula for the Reidemeister torsion of 3-manifolds together with a symplectic local system. We sketch both analogous arithmetic and topological pictures. This is based on joint work with A. Venkatesh.

Amadou Bah (Columbia)

Variation of the Swan conductor of an l-adic sheaf on a rigid disc


The radius of convergence of a $p$-adic differential equation on a p-adic disc has interesting variational properties. It turns out that its $\ell$-adic analog, the Swan conductor of an $\ell$-adic local system $\mathcal{F}$ on a closed rigid unit disc $D$, has similar properties: using the ramification theory of Abbes and Saito, we show that the Swan conductor function ${\rm sw}_{\mathcal{F}}:\mathbb{Q}\to\mathbb{Q}$ (of variable the radius of a sub-disc of $D$) is continuous, convex and piecewise linear; its slopes are integers that can be computed in terms of local characteristic cycles of $\mathcal{F}$ (analogs of the characteristic cycle of a holonomic $\mathcal{D}$-module).

Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT)

Derived divided power operators on a stack


Crystalline differential operators on a smooth variety X in positive characteristic form an Azumaya algebra over the Frobenius twist of its cotangent bundle. The natural extension to the case of a smooth algebraic stack X has derived nature: it involves a gerbe over the cotangent of X which is a derived stack. I will discuss an attempt to define a similar derived enhancement for divided power differential operators on a stack, focusing on the example where X is the classifying stack of a maximal unipotent subgroup in a reductive algebraic group G; the construction is motivated by the study of G-modules via derived localization. Time permitting I will explain related structures in the topology of the affine Grassmannian, connected to the above by the geometric Satake equivalence. The results are partly joint with Pablo Boixeda Alvarez.

Ekaterina Bogdanova (Harvard)

Non-vanishing of quantum geometric WhiPaker coefficients


We will discuss the functor of geometric WhiPaker coefficients in the context of quantum geometric Langlands. Concretely, we will prove (modulo the spectral decomposition conjecture) that for good levels the functor of quantum geometric WhiPaker coefficients is conservative. The proof will combine generalizations of representation-theoretic and microlocal methods from the preceding works of Faergeman-Raskin and Nadler-Taylor respectively.

Alexander Braverman (Toronto)

Koszul duality for some categories of D-modules coming from relative Langlands duality and equivariant localization for equivariant D-module categories


Let G be a connected reduct