- Titre:
The Gaudin model in the Deligne category Rep $GL_t$
Date début: 10/15/2024
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Cluster Reductions, Mutations, and $q$-Painlev\'e Equations
Date début: 10/08/2024
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Remembering Willard Miller: Beyond separation of variables, superintegrability
Date début: 10/01/2024
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Harmonic analysis, branching problems and orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 09/24/2024
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Pairs of commuting quadratic elements in the enveloping algebra and integrable systems with magnetic fields
Date début: 09/17/2024
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Symmetric resonances and related bifurcations
Date début: 09/10/2024
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Entanglement Hamiltonian for inhomogeneous free fermions
Date début: 06/11/2024
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Entanglement Hamiltonian in higher dimensions
Date début: 06/04/2024
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The Fate of Entanglement
Date début: 05/28/2024
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Time and band limiting operators and Heun's equation
Date début: 04/23/2024
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Multiplication Kernels: motivic nature via explicit examples and current advances.
Date début: 04/16/2024
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Fractal entanglement transitions in a quasiperiodic non-unitary circuit
Date début: 04/09/2024
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Qubit Vitrification and Entanglement Criticality on a Quantum Simulator
Date début: 04/02/2024
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Quantum HyperNetworks: Training Binary Neural Networks in Quantum Superposition
Date début: 03/26/2024
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Two-dimensional superintegrable quantum dynamics and polynomial algebras of integrals, exact-solvability
Date début: 03/12/2024
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Entanglement Microscopy: Tomography and Entanglement Measures via Quantum Monte Carlo
Date début: 02/27/2024
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Symmetry-protected and topological states for quantum computing
Date début: 02/20/2024
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Inverting hamiltonian reduction
Date début: 02/06/2024
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Monitoring quantum noise and creating “which-path” entanglement with cavity quantum electrodynamics
Date début: 01/30/2024
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Hyperbolic quantum matter
Date début: 01/23/2024
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Statistics of matrix elements in integrable models
Date début: 01/16/2024
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Kepler problems and “Sommerfeld puzzles”
Date début: 12/12/2023
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The quantum Mpemba effect
Date début: 11/28/2023
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The fuzzy sphere Odyssey: breaking new ground in conformal field theories
Date début: 11/21/2023
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Universality in the tripartite information after global quenches
Date début: 11/14/2023
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Hamiltonian structure of rational isomonodromic deformation systems
Date début: 11/07/2023
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Conformal field theory and integrability
Date début: 10/31/2023
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New formula for the prepotentials associated with Hurwitz-Frobenius manifolds
Date début: 10/24/2023
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Inclusion statistics and particle condensation in 2 dimensions
Date début: 10/10/2023
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Bootstrap conforme d'aimants frustrés (Bootstrapping frustrated noncollinear magnets)
Date début: 10/03/2023
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On classical and quantum spacetime geometries in the very early universe
Date début: 09/26/2023
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The fuzzy sphere odyssey: breaking new ground in conformal field theories
Date début: 09/19/2023
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The classification of finite-dimensional Lie algebras of Hamiltonian vector fields on the plane
Date début: 09/12/2023
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Are special functions actually analytic or algebraic? Some case studies
Date début: 09/05/2023
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Interacting spinon liquid in the magnetized antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain with uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions
Date début: 05/30/2023
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Toda systems for Takiff algebras
Date début: 05/23/2023
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On the representation of rank-2 Racah algebra
Date début: 05/19/2023
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Une méthode directe d'obtention des surfaces de Bonnet
Date début: 05/16/2023
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Nearest-neighbour correlation functions for the supersymmetric XYZ spin chain and Painlevé VI
Date début: 05/09/2023
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Superuniversal fluctuations
Date début: 05/02/2023
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Boundary and plane defect criticality in the 3d O(N) model
Date début: 04/28/2023
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Bosonization of the interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model
Date début: 04/25/2023
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Fractonic ground states and their dynamical signatures in a constrained Bose-Hubbard Model
Date début: 04/18/2023
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Quantum field theory from entanglement
Date début: 04/11/2023
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Topology of the Fermi sea: ordinary metals as topological materials
Date début: 03/14/2023
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Conformal field theory in quantum gravity and the lab
Date début: 03/10/2023
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Dimers, networks, and cluster integrable systems
Date début: 03/07/2023
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Emergence of geometry and meaning, through gauge and strings dynamics
Date début: 02/23/2023
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Measurements conspire nonlocally to restructure critical quantum states
Date début: 02/21/2023
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What is the gravitational field of a non-local quantum superposition?
Date début: 02/14/2023
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Entanglement and separability of Rokhsar-Kivelson and resonating valence-bond states
Date début: 02/07/2023
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Dynamics of symmetry-resolved entanglement measures in free fermionic systems
Date début: 01/31/2023
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Oriented Cayley graphs with nice eigenvalues
Date début: 01/24/2023
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Quasilinear systems and multiple Riemann waves
Date début: 01/10/2023
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Poisson reductions of master integrable systems on doubles of compact Lie groups
Date début: 12/13/2022
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A cohomological approach to immersed submanifold via integrable systems
Date début: 12/06/2022
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A model with fermionic skyrmions and relation to Bose-Fermi dualities
Date début: 11/29/2022
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Infinite dimensional Lagrangian Grassmannian and lattice recurrences of type C
Date début: 11/22/2022
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Fractional skyrmions
Date début: 11/15/2022
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Probing sign structure using measurement-induced entanglement
Date début: 11/08/2022
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Quantum Ising model with additional all-to-all interactions
Date début: 11/01/2022
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The Stieltjes--Fekete problem and degenerate orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 10/18/2022
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Automorphic spectra and the conformal bootstrap
Date début: 10/11/2022
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Exact solvability and superintegrability: Algebraic constructions
Date début: 10/04/2022
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Quasinormal modes via isomonodromy
Date début: 09/13/2022
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Conformal anomaly, entanglement entropy and boundaries
Date début: 06/13/2022
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Aspects of higher dimensional quantum Hall effect: Effective actions, entanglement entropy
Date début: 05/17/2022
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Characterization and classification of Fermionic symmetry enriched phases
Date début: 05/10/2022
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Supersymmetric partition functions and isomonodromic tau functions
Date début: 05/03/2022
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Uses of centralizer algebras and the missing label of SU(3)
Date début: 04/26/2022
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Nonlinear differential equations and the geometric approach
Date début: 04/19/2022
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Moduli spaces of principal 2-group bundles and a categorification of the Freed-Quinn line bundle
Date début: 04/12/2022
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The duals of Feynman integrals
Date début: 04/05/2022
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CKP hierachy and infinite dimensional Lagrangian Grassmannian
Date début: 03/29/2022
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Bethe ansatz and quantum computing
Date début: 03/22/2022
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Transalgebraic spectral curves, quantum curves, and Atlantes Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 03/15/2022
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Phases and phase transitions with fractal symmetries: Models and experimental platform
Date début: 03/08/2022
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Absorption or emission of solitons
Date début: 02/22/2022
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Nonlinear bosonization of Fermi liquids
Date début: 02/15/2022
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The alternating central extension of the $q$-Onsager algebra
Date début: 02/08/2022
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Entanglement of skeletal regions
Date début: 02/01/2022
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Floquet Baxterisation: from quantum Floquet dynamics to integrable vertex models
Date début: 01/25/2022
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Symmetry-resolved entanglement measures in quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium
Date début: 01/18/2022
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Quantum cryptography with untrusted devices
Date début: 01/11/2022
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Integrable systems from a Newton polygon
Date début: 12/07/2021
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Accessory parameters in Heun equations and classical conformal blocks
Date début: 11/30/2021
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Réductions d'une équation de sine-Gordon en 2+1 dimensions
Date début: 11/23/2021
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Isomonodrtomy aspects of the tt* equations of cecotti and vafa. Iwasawa factorization and asymptotics
Date début: 11/16/2021
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Some intuition and some asymptotic analysis: from two solitons to a continuum limit of solitons
Date début: 11/09/2021
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Excitations and ergodicity of critical quantum spin chains from non-equilibrium classical dynamics
Date début: 11/02/2021
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q-Opers, QQ-systems and Bethe Ansatz
Date début: 10/26/2021
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Quantum Renormalization Group
Date début: 10/12/2021
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Celestial holography and twistors
Date début: 10/05/2021
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The Siegel-Weil Formula and Quantum Gravity as an Average
Date début: 09/28/2021
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The hydrodynamics of many-body integrable systems
Date début: 09/21/2021
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Critical properties of quantum spin liquid phase transitions described by gauged Gross-Neveu quantum field theories
Date début: 09/14/2021
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Momenta spacing distributions in anharmonic oscillators
Date début: 06/08/2021
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Airy kernel determinants, the KdV equation, and conditional point processes
Date début: 06/01/2021
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Poisson Geometry of Noncommutative Cluster Algebras
Date début: 05/25/2021
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Correlation functions for unitary invariant ensembles and Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 05/18/2021
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Generating function of monodromy symplectomorphism, isomonodromic tau-function and its WKB expansion
Date début: 05/11/2021
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Tau functions as Widom constants
Date début: 05/04/2021
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Monopole operators in Quantum Electrodynamics
Date début: 04/27/2021
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Nonintersecting Brownian bridges on the unit circle with drift and generalized Hastings-McLeod functions
Date début: 04/20/2021
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Opérateurs d'échelle et états cohérents pour des extensions rationnelles du système de Rosen-Morse
Date début: 04/13/2021
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Polynomial tau-functions of the KP and BKP bilinear identities
Date début: 04/06/2021
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Padé approximants on Riemann surfaces and KP tau functions
Date début: 03/30/2021
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Isomonodromic tau functions on Riemann Surfaces through free fermions and four-dimensional QFTs
Date début: 03/23/2021
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Polynomial solutions of KP and Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies
Date début: 03/16/2021
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Non-linear ladder operators and coherent states for the 2:1 oscillator
Date début: 03/09/2021
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Anharmonic oscillator: a solution
Date début: 02/23/2021
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Hilbert Space Fragmentation
Date début: 02/16/2021
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Non-singular global Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetimes
Date début: 02/09/2021
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Fermionic limit shapes
Date début: 02/02/2021
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Fractonic topological phases
Date début: 01/26/2021
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Bulk and boundary entanglement entropy in the quantum Hall effect : exact results
Date début: 01/19/2021
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Duality functions for interacting particle processes and orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 12/08/2020
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Asymptotics of the averaged characteristic polynomial for Ginibre Ensemble with finite number of fixed point charges
Date début: 12/01/2020
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Integrable quantum spin chains with free fermionic and parafermionic spectrum
Date début: 11/24/2020
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New infinite families of Nth-order superintegrable systems
Date début: 11/17/2020
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Sklyanin algebras, Askey-Wilson polynomials and Heun operators
Date début: 11/10/2020
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Embedding of Racah algebra and superintegrable systems
Date début: 11/03/2020
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Analyse du signal et formalisme quantique: des quantifications sans constante de Planck
Date début: 10/27/2020
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Fermionic approach to bilinear expansions of KP correlators in terms of BKP correlators
Date début: 10/13/2020
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Fredholm Determinant Solutions of the Painlevé II Hierarchy and Gap Probabilities of Determinantal Point Processes
Date début: 10/06/2020
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The geometry and physics of Hitchin systems
Date début: 09/29/2020
- Titre:
Fourth Painlevé and Ermakov equations: quantum invariants and new exactly-solvable time-dependent Hamiltonians
Date début: 09/22/2020
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Monopole operators in gauged Gross-Neveu models
Date début: 09/15/2020
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General solution of the exceptional Hermite differential equation and its minimal surface representation
Date début: 09/08/2020
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The structure of the representations of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebras on the periodic XXZ chain
Date début: 06/16/2020
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S-Brane Cosmology
Date début: 06/09/2020
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Partition functions for paraboson and parafermion systems
Date début: 06/02/2020
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Boundary emptiness formation probabilities in the six-vertex model at $\Delta = - 1/2$
Date début: 05/26/2020
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Progress on Pure Gravity in Three Dimensions
Date début: 05/19/2020
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The Dunkl intertwining operator
Date début: 05/12/2020
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Fused Hecke algebras and centralisers of tensor representations of quantum sl(N)
Date début: 05/05/2020
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La structure des représentations des algèbres de Temperley-Lieb affines sur l'ensemble critique(Annulé/Cancelled)
Date début: 03/17/2020
- Titre:
Isotropic Grassmannians, pure spinors, Plucker and Cartan maps, and how to relate them
Date début: 03/10/2020
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3-reduction of the KP hierarchy and complete classification of soliton solutions for the good Boussinesq equation
Date début: 02/25/2020
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New holographic theories from n = 2 minimal models
Date début: 02/18/2020
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Abstract Heun operators and eigenvalue problems
Date début: 02/04/2020
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A Generalization of Penrose's Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis
Date début: 01/28/2020
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Tyurin data, non-abelian Cauchy kernels and the Goldman bracket
Date début: 01/21/2020
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Inverses of Trees
Date début: 01/14/2020
- Titre:
Missing label for su(3), Gaudin model and Bethe equations
Date début: 01/07/2020
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Logarithmic correlation functions for critical dense polymers on the cylinder
Date début: 12/10/2019
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Coherent and squeezed states of 2D harmonic oscillators
Date début: 12/03/2019
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Annulé - Cancelled
Date début: 11/26/2019
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Correspondence between ladder functions and operators for classical and quantum exactly solvable systems
Date début: 11/19/2019
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Quantum Gravity Phenomenology from the Generalized Uncertainty Principle
Date début: 11/12/2019
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Veronese sequence of analytic solutions of the $\mathbb{C}P^{2s}$ sigma model equations described via Krawtchouk polynomials
Date début: 11/05/2019
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The algebraic area of closed lattice random walks
Date début: 10/29/2019
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Persistance et surfaces de Bonnet
Date début: 10/22/2019
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$\tau$-functions and current correlators as generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 10/15/2019
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Superintegrability and time-dependent integrals
Date début: 10/08/2019
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Time-dependent exactly solvable potentials generated by Darboux and point transformations
Date début: 10/01/2019
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Matrix model for Quantum Weighted Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 09/24/2019
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Askey-Wilson, Temperley-Lieb algebras and centralizers of U_q(sl_2)
Date début: 09/17/2019
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On rotationally invariant (super)integrability with magnetic fields in 3D
Date début: 09/10/2019
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Spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider-Sutherland models with a bi-Hamiltonian structure
Date début: 04/30/2019
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Centralisers of tensor representations of classical and quantum sl(N)
Date début: 04/23/2019
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Tutte and Bollobas-Riordan polynomials: coefficient measures and related problems.
Date début: 04/16/2019
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On Negative Mass
Date début: 04/09/2019
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Boundary-corner contributions to entanglement entropy
Date début: 04/02/2019
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A commutant approach to the Racah, Bannai-Ito and Askey-Wilson algebras
Date début: 03/26/2019
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Schur-Weyl duality and Racah algebra
Date début: 03/19/2019
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Three-dimensional polytopes as orbits of Coxeter groups
Date début: 03/12/2019
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Four-body problem in d-dimensional space: ground state
Date début: 02/26/2019
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Polynomial algebras and algebraic derivation of spectrum of superintegrable models
Date début: 02/19/2019
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Quantum walks and uniform mixing
Date début: 02/12/2019
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Algebraic Heun operators: recent developments and applications
Date début: 02/05/2019
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Solutions of modified sinh-Gordon equation as eigenstates of Bukhvostov-Lipatov hamiltonian
Date début: 01/29/2019
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Solving quantum integrable models with Bethe Ansatz - Application to U(1)-invariant three-state Hamiltonians
Date début: 01/22/2019
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Quantum fractional revival
Date début: 01/15/2019
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Signal processing, orthogonal polynomials and Heun equations
Date début: 12/04/2018
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Isomonodromic Conformal Field Theory on the Torus
Date début: 11/27/2018
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A unified geometric framework for Yang-Mills charges and dressings in finite regions
Date début: 11/20/2018
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Quasi planar Ising models through the Kac-Ward matrix and a graph zeta function
Date début: 11/13/2018
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On the hydrodynamic behaviour of interacting lattice gases far from equilibrium
Date début: 11/06/2018
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$SU_q(3)$ corepresentations and multivariate q-Krawtchouk polynomials
Date début: 10/30/2018
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Cosmological axion field and quark nugget dark matter model
Date début: 10/18/2018
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Exactly solvable time-dependent potentials generated by Darboux and point transformations
Date début: 10/16/2018
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Roots of unity and the representation theory of boundary seam algebras
Date début: 10/09/2018
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Integrability in out-of-equilibrium systems
Date début: 10/02/2018
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Superintegrable 3D systems in a magnetic field and separation of variables
Date début: 09/18/2018
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Two facets of one-dimensional stochastic models
Date début: 09/11/2018
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Multivariable matrix valued orthogonal polynomials related to $SU(n+1)$
Date début: 09/04/2018
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On the Tracy-Widon distribution for $\beta = 6$
Date début: 07/31/2018
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Polynomial tau functions of the Drinfeld--Sokolov hierarchies
Date début: 05/01/2018
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Algebraic method of group classification
Date début: 04/25/2018
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Soliton surfaces obtained via $CP^{N-1}$ sigma models
Date début: 04/24/2018
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Automorphismes amassés
Date début: 04/17/2018
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An $n$-variable realization of the rank $n$ Racah algebra
Date début: 04/10/2018
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N^th-order superintegrable systems separating in polar coordinates
Date début: 04/03/2018
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Topological Field Theory and Knots from M-theory
Date début: 03/27/2018
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On nonsingular cosmologies and black holes
Date début: 03/20/2018
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Integrable systems on Fl_n x Fl_n x Fl_n//SL(n) and GL(n) tensor products
Date début: 03/13/2018
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On the distribution of poles of rational solutions to the Painleve II hierarchy
Date début: 03/06/2018
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The Salpeter equation for the description of time dependent relativistic spinless free particle
Date début: 02/27/2018
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Dispersion relations in conformal field theories
Date début: 02/20/2018
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Lessons on integrability from little string theory
Date début: 02/16/2018
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Expansion in large coordination number for quantum lattice system
Date début: 02/13/2018
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Gapless quantum spin chains: multiple dynamics and conformal wavefunctions
Date début: 02/06/2018
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Lie group classification of first-order delay ordinary differential equations
Date début: 01/30/2018
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Conformal Bootstrap at Large Charge
Date début: 01/26/2018
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Counting ribbon graphs using quantum field theory
Date début: 01/23/2018
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Noncommutative Painlevé equations and systems of Calogero type
Date début: 01/16/2018
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Conformal Field Theory at Higher Genus, Modular Bootstrap and Entanglement Entropy
Date début: 01/09/2018
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Date début: 12/19/2017
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Of Quantum Walk, Particles and Quotient Graphs
Date début: 12/12/2017
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Two-dimensional superintegrable systems from operator algebras in one dimension
Date début: 12/05/2017
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Reconstructing a dispersive integrable system from the geometry of a spectral curve, using topological recursion
Date début: 11/28/2017
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Unwinding the amplituhedron
Date début: 11/21/2017
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Asymptotics for quantum weighted double Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 11/14/2017
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Fourth order superintegrable systems separating in Polar Coordinates: Exotic Potentials
Date début: 11/07/2017
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Implicit Disentangling for Quantum Many-Body States
Date début: 10/31/2017
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Quantization and topological recursion
Date début: 10/24/2017
- Titre:
Shanks sequence transformations and the $\varepsilon$-algorithms. Theory and applications
Date début: 10/10/2017
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The quantum n-body problem in dimension d ≥ n-1: the ground state
Date début: 10/03/2017
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La géométrie sous-jacente au phénomène de Stokes
Date début: 09/26/2017
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2d chiral algebras associated to 4d superconformal field theories
Date début: 09/22/2017
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Supercritical Entanglement: counter-examples to the area law for quantum matter
Date début: 09/19/2017
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Fermionic methods in topological recursion
Date début: 09/12/2017
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Superintegrable 3D systems in a magnetic field corresponding to Cartesian separation of variables
Date début: 09/05/2017
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Quantum groups and quantum integrability
Date début: 05/02/2017
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Instanton calculus in quantum mechanics: Feynman diagrams and divergent series
Date début: 04/25/2017
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Non-Hermitian oscillator: Construction and nonclassical properties
Date début: 04/18/2017
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Representation theory and combinatorics of two-boundary Temperley-Lieb algebras
Date début: 04/11/2017
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Unwinding the amplituhedron
Date début: 04/06/2017
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Discretizing the Liouville equation preserving the symmetries
Date début: 04/04/2017
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Quantum Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 03/28/2017
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Analyticity in Spin and Causality in Conformal Theories
Date début: 03/21/2017
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The Malgrange form and Fredholm determinants
Date début: 03/14/2017
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Lalgèbre superconforme N=1 et les super Jack
Date début: 03/07/2017
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Stratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties
Date début: 03/02/2017
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Flucton calculus: a new semiclassical expansion in quantum mechanics
Date début: 02/21/2017
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Systèmes superintégrables q-déformés et polynômes orthogonaux multivariés
Date début: 02/14/2017
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Conformal field theories and quantum phase transitions: an entanglement perspective
Date début: 02/07/2017
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What else can you do with solvable approximations?
Date début: 02/02/2017
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Non-linear Stokes phenomenon in the fifth Painlevé equation
Date début: 01/31/2017
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Generating functions for the Bannai-Ito polynomials
Date début: 01/24/2017
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Three-body problem in 3D space: ground state, (quasi)-exact-solvability
Date début: 01/17/2017
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On the supersymmetric versions of the Fokas-Gelfand immersion formula
Date début: 12/13/2016
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Last-passage percolation, polymers and integer partitions
Date début: 12/06/2016
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Error correction and quantum speedup in quantum annealing
Date début: 11/29/2016
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Towards an Understanding of Differentials on Degenerate Riemann Surfaces
Date début: 11/22/2016
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Cyclic tridiagonal pairs, higher order Onsager algebras and othogonal polynomials
Date début: 11/15/2016
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Classification of five-point differential-difference equations
Date début: 11/08/2016
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A quantum superintegrable model on the (n-1)-sphere and the multifold tensor product of the superalgebra osp(1|2)
Date début: 11/01/2016
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The adjoint equation method for constructing first integrals of difference equations
Date début: 10/18/2016
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Fourth order superintegrable quantum systems and Painlevé transcendents
Date début: 10/11/2016
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Date début: 10/04/2016
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Higher order squeezing of noncommutative q-photon-added coherent states
Date début: 09/27/2016
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Solvability of the F4 quantum integrable system: rational and trigonometric
Date début: 09/20/2016
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Dimers and Geometry
Date début: 05/03/2016
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Analysis of exact solutions for the p+ip pairing model
Date début: 04/26/2016
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Applied Quantum Calculus
Date début: 04/20/2016
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On the Fokas-Gelfand theorem for integrable systems
Date début: 04/19/2016
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Weighted Hurwitz numbers, tau functions and topological recursion
Date début: 04/12/2016
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Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates
Date début: 04/07/2016
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Intersection numbers, integrable hierarchies and matrix models
Date début: 04/05/2016
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Nodal Sets in Conformal Geometry
Date début: 03/29/2016
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Random walks on random graphs
Date début: 03/17/2016
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The phase-diagram of the Blume-Capel-Haldane-Ising spin chain
Date début: 03/15/2016
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KPZ universality, particle systems and polymer models
Date début: 03/10/2016
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Monopoles on circle bundles
Date début: 03/08/2016
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Y -Meshes and generalized pentagram maps
Date début: 03/03/2016
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Global controllability to trajectories for the viscous Burgers equation and applications (CANCELLED)
Date début: 02/26/2016
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Ricci curvature and geometric analysis on graphs
Date début: 02/23/2016
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Box counting
Date début: 02/18/2016
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3-body quantum Coulomb problem: where we are
Date début: 02/16/2016
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Date début: 02/11/2016
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Riemann-Hilbert problems and large determinants; the example of the Kontsevich integral
Date début: 02/09/2016
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RSK algorithms, stochastic integrable systems and KPZ
Date début: 02/04/2016
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Date début: 02/02/2016
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Three-dimensional superintegrable systems in a static electromagnetic field
Date début: 02/02/2016
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An introduction to the RSK correspondence, growth diagrams, and dimer models
Date début: 01/28/2016
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A q-hypergeometric approach to integrable systems related with the q-Onsager algebra
Date début: 01/26/2016
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On invertibility of adjacency matrices of random d-regular digraphs
Date début: 01/21/2016
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Fractional revival in spin chains and orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 01/19/2016
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KPZ universality, particle systems and polymer models
Date début: 12/15/2015
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Date début: 12/10/2015
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Combinatorial aspects of the Painlevé-I recurrence for maps on surfaces, and Voronoï tessellations of Brownian maps.
Date début: 12/08/2015
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The amplituhedron above tree-level
Date début: 12/03/2015
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The Amplituhedron
Date début: 12/01/2015
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The physics of the Seiberg-Witten curve
Date début: 11/26/2015
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Poincaré polynomials for Abelian Symplectic Quotients of Multi-particle Quantum States
Date début: 11/24/2015
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Statistical properties of some fast-slow dynamical systems
Date début: 11/24/2015
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Cluster algebras and Grassmannians II
Date début: 11/19/2015
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Mirror-symmetric Jacobi matrices and their applications
Date début: 11/17/2015
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Cluster algebras and Grassmannians I
Date début: 11/12/2015
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The three-body elliptic calogero model
Date début: 11/10/2015
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Enumerative geometry tau-functions and Virasoro group operators
Date début: 11/05/2015
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Fluctuation relations in statistical mechanics. Part I
Date début: 10/29/2015
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Fluctuation relations in statistical mechanics. Part II
Date début: 10/29/2015
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Fluctuation relations in statistical mechanics. Part III
Date début: 10/29/2015
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Minicourse II: Integrable systems, random matrices, Hitchin systems and CFT : Hitchin systems and CFT's
Date début: 10/29/2015
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Adiabatic theorems in quantum statistical mechanics and Landauer's principle. Part I
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Adiabatic theorems in quantum statistical mechanics and Landauer's principle. Part II
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Fluctuation relations and energy conservation. Part I
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Fluctuation relations and energy conservation. Part II
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Homological mirror symmetry: from symplectic geometry to algebraic geometry, and back.
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Statistics of quantum instruments
Date début: 10/27/2015
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Minicourse II: Integrable systems, random matrices, Hitchin systems and CFT : Random matrices, orthogonal polynomials isospectral flows
Date début: 10/22/2015
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Minicourse II - Integrable systems, random matrices, Hitchin systems and CFT : Introduction to integrable systems and solutions
Date début: 10/21/2015
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On symmetries of stochastic differential equations
Date début: 10/20/2015
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Minicourse I - Introduction to topological recursion : Topological recursion and asymptotics
Date début: 10/15/2015
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Integrability and conformal data of the dimer model
Date début: 10/13/2015
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Minicourse I - Introduction to topological recursion : Topological recursion: Moduli spaces and Gromov-Witten theory
Date début: 10/08/2015
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Minicourse I - Introduction to topological recursion : Topological recursion: links to integrable systems
Date début: 10/07/2015
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Diagrammatic method in topological recursion and Givental's formalism
Date début: 10/06/2015
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Minicourse I - Introduction to topological recursion : General topological recursion
Date début: 10/01/2015
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Introduction to topological recursion: Examples
Date début: 09/29/2015
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Cluster algebras, Networks, Boundary measurement matrices, Lie Poisson structures
Date début: 09/24/2015
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Isotonic oscillator and the Painleve IV and V equations
Date début: 09/22/2015
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Introduction to cluster algebras for networks on surfaces
Date début: 09/17/2015
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Quantum optical models in noncommutative spaces
Date début: 09/15/2015
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Symmetry classes of alternating sign matrices in the nineteen-vertex model
Date début: 09/08/2015
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Integrable systems, statistical models, random processes and combinatorics
Date début: 09/03/2015
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Reductions of Gauss-Codazzi equations to P6
Date début: 09/01/2015
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Hurwitz numbers and r-constellations
Date début: 04/28/2015
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A family of solutions to the Arnolds 1965 problem on the non-degenerate integrability
Date début: 04/21/2015
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Exact solutions of the six vertex model
Date début: 04/21/2015
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Comments on infinite wedge representations
Date début: 04/14/2015
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Finite dimensional KP tau-functions
Date début: 04/14/2015
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Huygens' principle and Hadamard's problem of diffusion of waves
Date début: 04/10/2015
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Deformations of singular points in differential equations
Date début: 04/07/2015
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The quantum superalgebra osp_{q}(1|2) and a q-generalization of the Bannai-Ito polynomials
Date début: 04/07/2015
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Correlation functions of the KdV hierarchy and intersection numbers over the Deligne-Mumford moduli space
Date début: 03/31/2015
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Some algebraic related structures on families of convex sets
Date début: 03/30/2015
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A Dirac-Dunkl equation on the two-sphere and the Bannai-Ito algebra
Date début: 03/24/2015
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Supersymmetric versions of the structural equations describing conformally parametrized surfaces
Date début: 03/24/2015
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Conjectured asymptotic expansions for Painlevé tau functions and a discrete matrix model - II
Date début: 03/17/2015
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Fusion rules for Temperley-Lieb families
Date début: 03/17/2015
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A new approach to "classical" orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 03/10/2015
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Conjectured asymptotic expansions for Painlevé tau functions and a discrete matrix model
Date début: 03/10/2015
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Generalized symmetries in the soliton surfaces approach
Date début: 03/03/2015
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L'algèbre de Bannai-Ito et quelques applications
Date début: 02/24/2015
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Degenerate elliptic equations with rough coefficients: recent regularity results and H=W
Date début: 02/19/2015
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Generalization of Weyl group orbit functions of $A_n$ using matrix immanants
Date début: 02/17/2015
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Poisson Structures on the Moduli Space of Quadratic Differentials
Date début: 02/17/2015
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Nodal lines and domains for Eisenstein series on surfaces
Date début: 02/13/2015
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Singular fibers of integrable systems, reducible curves, and convex polytopes
Date début: 02/10/2015
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Date début: 02/06/2015
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The coordinate Bethe Ansatz solvable interacting particle systems
Date début: 02/03/2015
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The coordinate Bethe Ansatz solvable interacting particle systems / Part 2
Date début: 02/03/2015
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Energy conservation, counting statistics and return to equilibrium
Date début: 02/02/2015
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Poisson Structures on the Moduli Space of Quadratic Differentials
Date début: 01/27/2015
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The coordinate Bethe Ansatz solvable interacting particle systems / Part 1
Date début: 01/27/2015
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Date début: 01/26/2015
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Geometry and topology of the nodal sets of Schrodinger eigenfunctions
Date début: 01/23/2015
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Quantum Hurwitz numbers and Macdonald polynomials
Date début: 01/20/2015
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Two-dimensional superintegrable quantum systems with potentials expressed in terms of Painlevé transcendents
Date début: 01/20/2015
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Date début: 01/19/2015
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Conductance and Schrodinger conjecture
Date début: 01/15/2015
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Convergence of quantum trajectories
Date début: 01/15/2015
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Random maps on surfaces via bijections
Date début: 01/13/2015
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Controllability and mixing for nonlinear differential equations
Date début: 01/12/2015
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Controllability and mixing for nonlinear differential equations
Date début: 01/12/2015
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ABP estimate on Riemannian manifolds and spacetime Minkowski formulae
Date début: 01/09/2015
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Compactness and blow-up phenomena for sign-changing solutions of scalar curvature-type equations
Date début: 01/05/2015
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Weighted Hurwitz numbers and symmetric polynomials
Date début: 12/12/2014
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Understanding the compactification of moduli spaces of holomorphic curves
Date début: 12/05/2014
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The Lee-Yang Circle Theorem and some applications
Date début: 12/03/2014
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Introduction to hydrodynamic turbulence and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Date début: 12/02/2014
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Bergmann tau functions and moduli spaces : Part 2
Date début: 11/28/2014
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POVM quantization(s)
Date début: 11/25/2014
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Recurrence formulas to count maps on surfaces
Date début: 11/21/2014
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Lozenge tilings and Hurwitz numbers
Date début: 11/18/2014
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Frobenius manifolds and integrable hierarchies III
Date début: 11/14/2014
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Solutions en termes d'invariants de Riemann pour les systèmes elliptiques quasilinéaires du premier ordre
Date début: 11/11/2014
- Titre:
Bergmann tau functions and moduli spaces
Date début: 11/07/2014
- Titre:
Integrable cluster dynamics of directed networks and pentagram maps
Date début: 11/04/2014
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Frobenius manifolds and integrable hierarchies II
Date début: 10/31/2014
- Titre:
Coulomb Branch Hilbert Series and the Moduli Space of Instantons
Date début: 10/28/2014
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Finite dimensional tau-functions
Date début: 10/24/2014
- Titre:
From Ablowitz-Segur to Hastings-McLeod and back again
Date début: 10/21/2014
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Frobenius manifolds and integrable hierarchies I
Date début: 10/17/2014
- Titre:
Hurwitz numbers: from classical to quantum II
Date début: 10/14/2014
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The ELSV formula for Hodge integrals
Date début: 10/10/2014
- Titre:
An infinite family of higher order superintegrable systems on non euclidean spaces exhibiting shape invariance property
Date début: 10/07/2014
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Hurwitz numbers and Hodge integrals
Date début: 10/03/2014
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Hurwitz numbers: from classical to quantum
Date début: 09/30/2014
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"Tau functions as generating functions for Hurwitz numbers" (Hypergeometric Tau functions, and weighted Hurwitz numbers)
Date début: 09/26/2014
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À venir
Date début: 09/23/2014
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Coherent states transforms, quantization and formulae for the Berezin transform
Date début: 09/23/2014
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Tau functions as generating functions for Hurwitz numbers (Three isomorphic spaces on which the diagonal subgroup acts)
Date début: 09/19/2014
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Gap Probabilities of the Tacnode process
Date début: 09/16/2014
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Discrete matrix models for partial sums of conformal blocks associated to Painlevé transcendents
Date début: 09/09/2014
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Quantum trajectories: Theory and applications (I)
Date début: 09/05/2014
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R. Willam Gosper and his identities
Date début: 09/05/2014
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From quantum Schubert polynomials to k-Schur functions
Date début: 09/02/2014
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Symmetric polynomials in free field VOAs
Date début: 06/03/2014
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Nouvelles réductions des équations de Gauss et Codazzi à la sixième équation de Painlevé
Date début: 05/27/2014
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A Laplace-Dunkl equation on the 2-sphere and the Bannai-Ito algebra
Date début: 04/22/2014
- Titre:
Hurwitz numbers, permutation factorizations, and the HCIZ integral
Date début: 04/15/2014
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Finite-dimensional representations of equivariant map algebras
Date début: 04/08/2014
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Diffusive growth processes and SLE: exact results II.
Date début: 04/01/2014
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Diffusive growth processes and SLE: exact results I.
Date début: 03/25/2014
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On the Riemann-Hilbert-Birkhoff Problem associated with the q-Painlev\'e equations
Date début: 03/18/2014
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Exceptional Hermite Polynomials
Date début: 03/11/2014
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Geometry of surfaces obtained from solutions of supersymmetric sigma models
Date début: 03/04/2014
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Asymptotics of Coulomb gases and related problems
Date début: 02/25/2014
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Gaussian cubature formulas arising from hybrid characters of compact simple Lie groups
Date début: 02/18/2014
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Analyse de groupes de la plasticité idéale, solutions invariantes et applications
Date début: 02/11/2014
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Exact formulas for interacting particle systems with q-deformed rates
Date début: 02/04/2014
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Multiple scales expansion and integrable discrete systems
Date début: 01/28/2014
- Titre:
Construction of the Fullerenes C70, C80,.., and nanotubes by breaking of the icosahedral symmetry to a subgroup
Date début: 01/21/2014
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Non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics
Date début: 01/15/2014
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Construction of new ladder operators, exceptionnal orthogonal polynomials and superintegrability
Date début: 01/14/2014
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The full Kostant-Toda lattice on the positive flag variety and a flag matroid polytope
Date début: 12/12/2013
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Génétique et diffusion dans l'histoire humaine
Date début: 12/10/2013
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Geometric constructions of isomonodromic deformations
Date début: 12/05/2013
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Enumerative Problems and Integrable Hierarchies
Date début: 12/03/2013
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Cluster Structures on Poisson-Lie Groups
Date début: 11/28/2013
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The Racah algebra and superintegrable models
Date début: 11/26/2013
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Malgrange (and Isomonodromic) tau functions as (multi component) KP tau functions. Examples and applications to gap probabilities and other cool stuff. (Part 2-2)
Date début: 11/21/2013
- Titre:
The principal indecomposable modules of the dilute Temperley-Lieb algebra
Date début: 11/19/2013
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Malgrange (and Isomonodromic) tau functions as (multi component) KP tau functions. Examples and applications to gap probabilities and other cool stuff. (Part 1-2)
Date début: 11/14/2013
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Superintegrable systems with spin from gauge transformations
Date début: 11/12/2013
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Generalized holomorphic vector bundles
Date début: 11/07/2013
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Recursion relations for affine algebra characters and cluster algebras
Date début: 11/05/2013
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Permutation factorizations, (monotone) Hurwitz numbers, and the HCIZ integral
Date début: 10/31/2013
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Fields and strings on the de Sitter Universe
Date début: 10/29/2013
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How are non-Kahler manifolds accomodated in string theory?
Date début: 10/24/2013
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The multivariate Krawtchouk polynomials as matrix elements of rotation group representations
Date début: 10/22/2013
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Multifractal analysis of Levy-Loewner/ Schramm-Loewner evolution
Date début: 10/17/2013
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Exchangeable pairs of Bernoulli random variables, Krawtchouk polynomials and Ehrenfest Urns
Date début: 10/16/2013
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A simple construction of integrable Whitham type hierarchies
Date début: 10/15/2013
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Mumford relations for determinant line bundle via Bergman tau-function
Date début: 10/10/2013
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Towards exact scattering matrices in de Sitter space
Date début: 10/08/2013
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Gap probabilities for the Generalized Bessel process: a Riemann-Hilbert approach
Date début: 10/03/2013
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Three approaches to conservation laws for difference equations
Date début: 10/01/2013
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Directed polymers in a random medium
Date début: 09/26/2013
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Functional relations in Temperley-Lieb loop models
Date début: 09/24/2013
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Tau functions, Convolution Symmetries and Applications
Date début: 09/19/2013
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The "constant factor" problem in integrable systems
Date début: 09/17/2013
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Ten types of Weyl group orbit functions and corresponding Fourier methods
Date début: 09/10/2013
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Enumerations of polygon gluings
Date début: 09/04/2013
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The properties of the ground state of systems with attractive $\delta$-interactions
Date début: 09/03/2013
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Discrete Schlesinger transformations and difference painlevé equations
Date début: 05/02/2013
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Date début: 04/30/2013
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Positive Grassmannian and gluon scattering amplitude
Date début: 04/25/2013
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Difference schemes and the discrete Clairault-Schwarz-Young theorem.
Date début: 04/23/2013
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Jacobi-Trudi formula for symmetric functions generated by polynomial systems (part 2)
Date début: 04/18/2013
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Poncelet theorem and Painlevé VI
Date début: 04/16/2013
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Discrete integrable kernels and applications (part 2)
Date début: 04/11/2013
- Titre:
Baker-Akhiezer spinor and Bergman tau-function on moduli spaces of meromorphic differentials
Date début: 04/09/2013
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Discrete integrable kernels and applications (part 1)
Date début: 04/04/2013
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On the long time behavior of fluid flows
Date début: 04/02/2013
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Jacobi-Trudi formula for symmetric functions generated by polynomial systems
Date début: 03/28/2013
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Some complex Hermite polynomials and their applications to physics
Date début: 03/26/2013
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Algebraic Bethe ansatz in the ASEP
Date début: 03/21/2013
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Conserved vector associated with symmetries and exact solutions of PDEs obtained using conservation laws
Date début: 03/20/2013
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Cosmological Fluctuations in a Bouncing Cosmology
Date début: 03/19/2013
- Titre:
Sato's Grassmannians, Kac-Schwarz operators and applications to random models. 2-2
Date début: 03/14/2013
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Double - scaling limits in integrable systems
Date début: 03/12/2013
- Titre:
Sato's Grassmannians, Kac-Schwarz operators and applications to random models. 1-2
Date début: 03/07/2013
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On some extension of spherical Fourier transform.
Date début: 03/05/2013
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Date début: 02/28/2013
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Matrix product representation for the ASEP using Algebraic Bethe Ansatz
Date début: 02/28/2013
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The scaling limit of the Laguerre-Cauchy Matrix model and the Meijer-G random point field
Date début: 02/26/2013
- Titre:
"Baker-Akhiezer spinor kernel, Bergman and KP tau-functions on moduli spaces of meromorphic differentials". 3-3
Date début: 02/21/2013
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Symmetries of the generalized discrete Krichever-Novikov equation
Date début: 02/19/2013
- Titre:
Baker-Akhiezer spinor kernel, Bergman and KP tau-functions on moduli spaces of meromorphic differentials. 2-3
Date début: 02/14/2013
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Hadamard states: from solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation to renormalised quantum fields
Date début: 02/14/2013
- Titre:
A superintegrable model with reflections: The Dunkl oscillator in the Plane
Date début: 02/12/2013
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Baker-Akhiezer spinor kernel, Bergman and KP tau-functions on moduli spaces of meromorphic differentials. 1-3
Date début: 02/07/2013
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Date début: 02/05/2013
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Gromov-Witten Invariants from 2D Gauge Theories part 3
Date début: 01/31/2013
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Difference Nevanlinna theories arising from special functions
Date début: 01/29/2013
- Titre:
Exactly stable non-BPS spinors in heterotic string theory on tori
Date début: 01/22/2013
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Gromov-Witten Invariants from 2D Gauge Theories - Part 1
Date début: 01/17/2013
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Idempotents des TL-modules de la chaîne de spins XXZ
Date début: 01/15/2013
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On the coupling space of topological string theories
Date début: 01/08/2013
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Painlevé I, (Branched) Coverings of the Sphere and Belyi Functions
Date début: 12/18/2012
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Integrability Properties in N=4 SSYM and IIB strings in AdS_5 x S^5 - Part 2
Date début: 12/13/2012
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Invitation à la géométrie aléatoire en dimension supérieure à deux
Date début: 12/11/2012
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Particular integrability and (quasi)-exact-solvability: two charges on a plane in a magnetic field
Date début: 12/10/2012
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A group-theoretic construction/interpretation of solutions of $CP^{N-1}$ sigma models
Date début: 12/04/2012
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What happens when q = -1 ? New families of classical orthogonal polynomials and Dunkl type operators
Date début: 11/27/2012
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Integrability of higher pentagram maps
Date début: 11/20/2012
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Analyse du groupe de symétrie d'un modèle de la plasticité idéal
Date début: 11/13/2012
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Uncertainty, encryption and low-distortion embeddings
Date début: 11/06/2012
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(Do) we understand quantum mechanics --- finally (?)!
Date début: 11/01/2012
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Date début: 10/30/2012
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On the Clebsch-Gordan and Racah problems of sl_{-1}(2) and q=-1 orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 10/23/2012
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AdS Duals of Minimal Model CFTs (part 3)
Date début: 10/18/2012
- Titre:
Un oscillateur fini , superintégrable et avec symétrie SU(2) en deux dimensions
Date début: 10/16/2012
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General contact non-squeezing in R^{2n} X S^1 via generating functions
Date début: 10/12/2012
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The current distributions of the ASEP and PushASEP on Z
Date début: 10/09/2012
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Kaehler-Einstein metrics on singular Fano varieties
Date début: 10/05/2012
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Soliton surfaces via zero-curvature representation of differential equations
Date début: 10/02/2012
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Superintegrable systems on non-Euclidean spaces
Date début: 09/25/2012
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AdS Duals of Minimal Model CFTs - part II
Date début: 09/20/2012
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Birational structures on non Kählerian surfaces
Date début: 09/19/2012
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The abelianity conjecture for compact K\"ahler threefolds (jt. w. B. Claudon)
Date début: 09/19/2012
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Solvable Lie algebras with Borel nilradicals
Date début: 09/18/2012
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AdS Duals of Minimal Model CFTs
Date début: 09/13/2012
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Polynômes de Macdonald en superespace et quelques cas limites
Date début: 09/11/2012
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Finite Dimensional Tau Functions
Date début: 09/06/2012
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Le modèle de dimères, ancien et nouveau
Date début: 08/21/2012
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Dynamics in the dual monopoles field
Date début: 07/31/2012
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Model structures for Goodwillie Calculus
Date début: 07/27/2012
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Graphs in Many-Particle Quantum Mechanics
Date début: 07/19/2012
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Spin chains of the Haldane-Shastry type: an overview
Date début: 05/29/2012
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Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure N=2, d=4 theories with SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups
Date début: 05/24/2012
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Period Matrices of Real Riemann Surfaces and Fundamental Domains
Date début: 05/17/2012
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Explicit Inversion formulae for the cosh-weighted Hilbert transform in Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
Date début: 05/10/2012
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On the discrete Z^{\gamma}
Date début: 05/08/2012
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Date début: 05/01/2012
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Date début: 04/24/2012
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Wronskians of Hermite polynomials
Date début: 04/12/2012
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On polynomials orthogonal with respect to indefinite inner products
Date début: 04/10/2012
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Some practical realizations of the attractors and their role in self-organization of physical and biological systems
Date début: 04/03/2012
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Convolution Symmetries and Tau Functions
Date début: 03/29/2012
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An integrable semi-discrete equation related to the Blaszak-Marciniak (BM) lattice and Combinatorial numbers
Date début: 03/27/2012
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Résolution numérique du problème de Navier-Stokes dans le plan stationnaire a la surface libre des fluides
Date début: 03/20/2012
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Recurrence for quantum walks
Date début: 03/16/2012
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Periodic loop models and their connections with XXZ Hamiltonians
Date début: 03/15/2012
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Date début: 03/13/2012
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$H_2^+$ molecular ion: a solution
Date début: 03/13/2012
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Geometry and Connectedness of Heterotic String Compactifications with Fluxes
Date début: 03/08/2012
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Explicit irreducible representations of the Hecke algebras and Temperley-Lieb algebras at roots of unity
Date début: 03/06/2012
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Algebraic models of anharmonic oscillators
Date début: 02/28/2012
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Développements récents sur les superpolynômes de Jack
Date début: 02/21/2012
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Counting non-intersecting paths using pfaffians and some applications
Date début: 02/16/2012
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Universal Whitham hierarchy, meromorphic differentials with real periods, and moduli of curves
Date début: 02/14/2012
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Curvature-homogeneous manifolds
Date début: 02/09/2012
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Skew orthogonal polynomials and discrete coupled KP equation
Date début: 02/07/2012
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KP solitons and total positivity for the Grassmannian II (par Yuji Kodama et Lauren Williams)
Date début: 02/02/2012
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Finite Quantum Oscillator and Matrix Multi-Orthogonality
Date début: 01/31/2012
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KP solitons and total positivity for the Grassmannian (par Yuji Kodama et Lauren Williams)
Date début: 01/26/2012
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Transformations de contact pour les équations a différences finies
Date début: 01/24/2012
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Determinant Identities and the octahedron recurrence
Date début: 01/19/2012
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Date début: 01/17/2012
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The quantum pentagon equation and Hirota's discrete KP system
Date début: 01/10/2012
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Integrable systems from an algebraic point of view
Date début: 12/06/2011
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A systematic construction of orthogonal polynomials with jumps in degree from the classical orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 11/29/2011
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Counting Fully Packed Loops configurations, some combinatorial identities
Date début: 11/22/2011
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Superintegrability, Exact Solvability, and Orthogonal Polynomials: A case study with little -1 Jacobi Polynomials
Date début: 11/15/2011
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Superposition Principles and Differential Equations
Date début: 11/08/2011
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Prym-Tyurin classes and tau-functions
Date début: 11/01/2011
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La théorie des polynômes de Bannai-Ito
Date début: 10/25/2011
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Grassmannian Polytopes and the S-Matrix, part II
Date début: 10/19/2011
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Grassmannian Polytopes and the S-Matrix, part I
Date début: 10/18/2011
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CMV Matrices and -1 Jacobi Polynomials
Date début: 10/11/2011
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Scattering Amplitudes and Wilson Loops, Flux tubes and Integrability
Date début: 10/06/2011
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Tailoring gauge theory correlation functions and integrability - II
Date début: 10/05/2011
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Tailoring gauge theory correlation functions and integrability - I
Date début: 10/04/2011
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Invariant numerical schemes for the shallow-water equations
Date début: 09/27/2011
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Centralisateurs des sous-groupes réguliers maximaux des groupes de Lie simples
Date début: 09/20/2011
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Symmetry preserving numerical schemes for partial differential equations and their numerical tests
Date début: 09/13/2011
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Opérateurs de permutation, entropie d'intrication, et la chaîne XXZ dans une limite quasi-isotrope
Date début: 09/06/2011
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K3 surfaces, modular forms, and non-geometric heterotic compactifications
Date début: 09/02/2011
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From planar algebras to logarithmic conformal field theory
Date début: 08/30/2011
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Discrete Integrable Models and Orthogonal Functions
Date début: 06/14/2011
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Universality of transitions at the point of gradient catastrophe for some integrable systems and some orthogonal polynomials
Date début: 05/13/2011
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Symmetry and phase transitions: quantum phase transitions in algebraic models
Date début: 04/26/2011
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Sur les solutions uniformes du modèle cosmologique de Bianchi IX dans le vide
Date début: 04/19/2011
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The Promise of Holographic Cosmology
Date début: 04/05/2011
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Poincare-Hopf Symmetry and Covariant Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Spacetime
Date début: 03/29/2011
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Universality of KPZ equation
Date début: 03/28/2011
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Plan à long terme pour les sciences mathématiques et statistiques
Date début: 03/22/2011
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Stability and Absence of Binding for Multi-Polaron Systems
Date début: 03/22/2011
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More on tau funtions and convolution symmetries
Date début: 03/21/2011
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New solutions of the SUSY KdV equation
Date début: 03/15/2011
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Generalized symmetries of integrable equations and soliton surfaces
Date début: 03/08/2011
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Algebraic Analysis of Solvable Lattice Models -- Michio Jimbo and Tetsuji Miwa
Date début: 03/07/2011
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From A_n (Calogero) to H_4 (rational) integrable models
Date début: 03/07/2011
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Algebraic Analysis of Solvable Lattice Models -- Michio Jimbo and Tetsuji Miwa
Date début: 02/28/2011
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Three types of symmetrized multivariate exponential and trigonometric functions
Date début: 02/22/2011
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Symmetry tests for discrete equations on the square lattice
Date début: 02/15/2011
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The Jordan Structure of Two Dimensional Loop Models
Date début: 02/08/2011
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Convolution symmetries, matrix models and integrable hierarchies
Date début: 02/01/2011
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Invariant solutions of supersymmetric nonlinear wave equations
Date début: 01/25/2011
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Matrices aléatoires, polynômes symétriques et dualités
Date début: 01/18/2011
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Représentations du groupe de Schrödinger et polynômes orthogonaux matriciels
Date début: 12/07/2010
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On symplectic forms in the soliton theory
Date début: 11/30/2010
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The potential impact of the AdS/CFT correspondence, or WARNING: you may already be a string theorist
Date début: 11/16/2010
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Fate of the False Monopoles: Induced Vacuum Decay
Date début: 11/09/2010
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A Missing System of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
Date début: 10/26/2010
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Two-variable Wilson polynomials and the generic superintegrable system on the 3-sphere
Date début: 10/19/2010
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Families of Superintegrable Systems
Date début: 10/12/2010
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Continuous and Discrete Homotopy Operators with Applications in Integrability Testing
Date début: 12/04/2003