Carolyn ABBOTT (Brandeis University)

Hyperbolically embedded subgroups of acylindrically hyperbolic groups


This course is an introduction to acylindrically hyperbolic groups through the lens of the special class of hyperbolically embedded subgroups. We will begin with definitions and examples, and then we will investigate some nice geometric (and algebraic) properties enjoyed by these subgroups. We will explore connections with random walks, extending actions, extending quasicocycles, and relative hyperbolicity. Hyperbolically embedded subgroups, particularly those that are virtually cyclic, are a powerful tool for proving important results about acylindrically hyperbolic groups. I will introduce some of these results and sketch the ways in which hyperbolically embeddded subgroups are used in their proof. The course will assume no prior knowledge of any of these topics.

Kasia JANKIEWICZ (University of California Santa Cruz)

Bestvina-Brady Morse theory and its applications


This mini-course will be an introduction to the Bestvina-Brady Morse theory. Let G be a group acting geometrically on a polyhedral complex X. Suppose that φ:G -> Z is an epimorphism, and X admits a φ-equivarient map to a line. The Bestvina-Brady Morse theory relates the finiteness properties of the kernel of φ to topological properties of the link of a vertex in X. We will focus on the applications of the theory in the context of right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups.

Robert KROPHOLLER (University of Warwick)

l^2 homology of groups and consequences


After a brief introduction to the general theory of homology of groups we will define l^2 homology via actions on simplicial complexes. In the second lecture we will compute several examples of these homology groups. Finally, we will discuss consequences that are of interest to group theorists particularly in the case that these invariants vanish.

Jason MANNING (Cornell University)

Quasiconvexity in (relatively) hyperbolic groups


I’ll talk about various ways to think about quasiconvexity in hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups, and explain why and when quasiconvexity persists under Dehn filling.

Jean Pierre MUTANGUHA (Princeton University)

Dynamics to geomet