Matilde Lalín named CRM Distinguished Research Scholar for 2024-2025

The CRM is pleased to announce the selection of Matilde Lalín as CRM Distinguished Research Scholar in 2024-2025. This program’s objective is to maintain researchers engaged with the CRM and support their contributions to the Centre’s programs and activities. The program is funded through support from the Aisenstadt and the Courtois endowment funds of the Université de Montréal and the selection is made by the CRM’s International Scientific Advisory Committee.

Matilde Lalín is a professor at the Université de Montréal and a member of CICMA. An internationally renowned researcher in number theory, her work has been recognized by the 2022 Krieger-Nelson Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society, and she has been made a Fellow of the CMS, the AMS and the AWM.

As a CRM Distinguished Research Scholar, Professor Lalín will work closely with the CRM in the organization of scientific events, including a conference in Analytic Number Theory and Arithmetic Statistics (August 2024), and a thematic program on Universal Statistics in Number Theory (Spring 2026).

Published On: 8 January 2024