Elizabeth Bradley (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

Computational topology techniques for characterizing time series data


The first step in computing the state-space topology of a dynamical system from scalar data requires accurate reconstruction of those dynamics using delay-coordinate embedding; the second is the construction of an appropriate simplicial complex from the results. The first of these steps involves a number of free parameters, though, and the computation of homology for a large number of simplices can be expensive. I will discuss some approaches for computing the homology efficiently and effectively, in the face of these challenges, using a range of examples from the classic Lorenz system through musical instruments and honeybee colonies to demonstrate the associated ideas.

Tamal Dey (Purdue University, USA)

Connection matrix: Computation, updates, and persistence


Connection matrices, a generalization of Morse boundary operators from the classical Morse theory, capture the connection made by the flow among critical structures like attractors, repellers, and orbits in a vector field. Developing an efficient computational framework for connection matrices is particularly important in the context of a rapidly growing data science that requires new mathematical tools for discrete data. Recently, in the context of a combinatorial framework, an efficient persistence-like algorithm to compute connection matrices has been proposed in [DLMS24]. We show that, actually, the classical persistence algorithm in topological data analysis with exhaustive reduction indeed retrieves the connection matrix thus simplifying the algorithm of [DLMS24] even further. We also present an approach for updating a connection matrix under changes of a minimal Morse decomposition of the vector field in play. We conclude the talk by proposing a concept of persistence in the vector field derived from its connection matrix and presenting some preliminary experimental results.

[DLMS24] Computing Connection Matrices via Persistence-Like Reductions. Tamal K. Dey, Michal Lipinski, Marian Mrozek, and Ryan Slechta. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., Vol. 23, No. 1, pages 81-97, 2024.

Bernardo Do Prado Rivas (Rutgers, USA)

Analytical bounds for combinatorial topological dynamics


We present a combinatorial topological approach to analyze the dynamics of a family of parametrized ODEs. The method discretizes the state space and applies algebraic topological tools to derive dynamical information. Specifically, given a parameter, we propose analytical bounds to realize the combinatorial structure within the phase space, obtaining transversality results. Motivated by gene regulatory networks, we will explore examples of ramp systems and analyze the outcomes.

Marcio Gameiro (Rutgers, USA)

A combinatorial topological method for the global dynamics of families of ODEs


We present a combinatorial topological method to compute the dynamics of a parameterized family of ODEs. A discretization of the state space of the systems is used to construct a combinatorial representation from which recurrent versus non-recurrent dynamics is extracted. Algebraic topology is then used to validate and characterize the dynamics of the system. We will discuss the combinatorial description and the algebraic topological computations and will present applications to systems of ODEs arising from gene regulatory networks.

Tomas Gedeon (Montana State, USA)

Combinatorial structure of continuous dynamics in gene regulatory networks


We describe a close connection between two seemingly disparate types of gene regulatory network models: ordinary differential equations and monotone Boolean maps. We show that switching (Glass) models connect the world of continuous dynamics of ODEs and discrete dynamics of Boolean maps by describing connection between collection of all parameterizations of switching systems and collections of monotone Boolean maps compatible with the network structure. This connection allows combinatorial (i.e. finite) description of ODE dynamics over parameter space and allows conceptualization of bifurcation theory of Boolean maps.

We discuss an iterative construction of the set of all monotone Boolean maps with $k$ inputs that facilitates construction of parameter spaces of switching ODE systems

Oliver Junge (TUM, Germany)

Cycling signatures: Identifying cycling motions in time series using algebraic topology


Recurrence is a fundamental characteristic of dynamical systems with complicated behavior. Understanding the inner structure of recurrence is challenging, especially if the system has many degrees of freedom and is subject to noise. We develop algebraic topological notions for identifying and classifying elementary recurrent motions – called cycling – and the transitions between those. Statistics on these cycling motions can be computed from sampled trajectories (time series data), providing coarse global information on the structure of the recurrent behavior. We demonstrate this through three examples; in particular, we identify and analyze six cycling motions in a four-dimensional system with a hyperchaotic attractor. We see this as a promising approach to reveal coarse-grained dynamical information on high-dimensional systems.

William Kalies (U. of Toledo, USA)

Attractor Sheaves: Computing Sheaf Cohomology for the Detection of Bifurcations


Algebraic structures such as the lattices of attractors and Morse poset decompositions provide a computable description of global dynamics. For parameterized families of dynamical systems, these structures form a sheaf over the parameter space. Sheaf cohomology provides information about the global sections of the attractor sheaf and changes in this structure that detect bifurcations. Advancements in the theory and implementation of the Dynamic Signatures Generated by Regulatory Networks (DSGRN) framework have facilitated the computation of cellular sheaf cohomology across the parameter space. In particular, we can use attractor sheaves to discover paths that exhibit hysteresis, as well as higher-codimension bifurcations.

Rachel Kuske (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Computer-assisted global analysis of non-smooth impact dynamics inspired by energy harvesting


We discuss a novel return map approach for studying the global dynamics of a vibro-impact (VI) pair, that is, a ball moving in a harmonically forced capsule. Results are relevant for recent designs of VI-based energy harvesters and nonlinear energy transfer, and hold promise for other non-smooth systems. Computationally efficient short-time realizations are based on “words” that represent key impact sequences and divide the state space according to different dynamics. The resulting maps define surfaces that illuminate weak and strong attraction to certain periodic and complex states of interest for energy output. A small collection of reduced piece-wise polynomial approximations for the maps on these surfaces yields a composite map. They capture transients and focus the analysis on maps (surfaces) with attracting properties, confirming and complementing the bifurcation structure of the full system. Valuable for cobweb analysis, this framework inspires auxiliary maps based on the extreme bounds of the maps, yielding global dynamics of energetically favorable states. We apply this framework to understand how the surfaces explain stochastically enhanced grazing and bi-stability when the scales of noise and attraction compete.

Michal Lipinski (IST, Austria)

Conley-Morse barcodes: combinatorial continuation of a Morse decomposition


In recent years, combinatorial dynamics has become an important area of interest. The foundation for combinatorial modeling of continuous dynamics was laid by Robin Forman’s combinatorial vector fields. Building upon Forman’s work, Mrozek proposed the theory of combinatorial multivector fields, which was later extended to general finite topological spaces, providing a comprehensive framework for modeling continuous-time dynamical systems in a combinatorial setting.
Central to the theory of combinatorial dynamical systems are concepts such as isolated invariant sets (sets that remain unchanged under the dynamics), the homological Conley index (an algebraic signature of an isolated invariant set capturing its dynamical nature) and Morse decomposition (a global summary of the gradient part of a dynamical system).
Recent research has utilized persistent homology to investigate various features of combinatorial dynamical systems, such as the robustness of an isolated invariant set and changes in the Conley index or Morse decomposition. Moreover, the framework of persistent homology is particularly well-suited to the concept of dynamical continuation, which enables the study of how an isolated invariant set and its Conley index evolve under continuous modifications of the underlying dynamical system, such as a continuous change of the systems parameters.
While our previous work focused on combinatorial continuation for an individual isolated invariant set, the current study extends this approach to involve the entire Morse decomposition simultaneously. This extension will provide a global summary of changes in the structure of a combinatorial dynamical system as its parameters vary. A combinatorial perturbation of the system can result in a combinatorial bifurcation, causing Morse sets (the elements of the Morse decomposition) to aggregate, disappear, or change their structure. The developed theory of combinatorial continuation allows us to study the interplay of Conley indices among the bifurcating Morse sets.

Facundo Memoli (Ohio State U., USA)

Spatiotemporal persistent homology for dynamic metric spaces


Characterizing the dynamics of time-evolving data within the framework of topological data analysis (TDA) has been attracting increasingly more attention. Popular instances of time-evolving data include flocking/swarming behaviors in animals and social networks in the human sphere. A natural mathematical model for such collective behaviors is a dynamic point cloud, or more generally a dynamic metric space (DMS). We extend the Rips filtration stability result for (static) metric spaces to the setting of DMSs. We do this by devising a certain three-parameter “spatiotemporal” filtration of a DMS. Applying the homology functor to this filtration gives rise to multidimensional persistence module derived from the DMS. We show that this multidimensional module enjoys stability under a suitable generalization of the Gromov–Hausdorff distance which permits metrization of the collection of all DMSs.

On the other hand, it is recognized that, in general, comparing two multidimensional persistence modules leads to intractable computational problems. For the purpose of practical comparison of DMSs, we focus on both the rank invariant or the dimension function of the multidimensional persistence module that is derived from a DMS. We specifically propose to utilize a certain metric d for comparing these invariants: In our work this d is either (1) a certain generalization of the erosion distance by Patel, or (2) a specialized version of the well-known interleaving distance. In either case, the metric d can be computed in polynomial time.

Marian Mrozek (Jagiellonian U., Poland)

Homological persistence via the lens of combinatorial Morse theory


In 1998, in his seminal work on discrete Morse theory, R. Forman presented an alternative to classical, ODE based, models in dynamics. Namely, he introduced and studied a purely combinatorial analogue of a vector field and the associated flow. In 2002 H. Edelsbrunner, D. Letscher and A. Zomorodian introduced the concept of topological persistence which became the foundation of topological data analysis. In my talk I will present a recent bridge between the two theories. Based on a project in progress with Herbert Edelsbrunner. In collaboration with Michał Lipiński and Manuel Soriano Trigueros.

Alessandro Pugliese (University of Bari, Italy)

Cusp bifurcations: numerical detection via two-parameter continuation and computer-assisted proofs of existence

Cusp bifurcations can arise in dynamical systems that depend on two parameters. They are characterized by the coexistence of multiple equilibra, and often lead to significant phenomena such as multi-stability and hysteresis. In this talk, I will present a novel computer-assisted approach for detecting and rigorously proving the existence of cusp bifurcations. The method begins with a two-parameter continuation of the manifold of equilibria of the system, during which a tool based on the Poincaré index is employed to identify cusp bifurcations. Next, the approximate location of the bifurcations is refined, and a rigorous proof of their existence is established using a Newton-Kantorovich argument. The talk is based on joint work with Jean-Philippe Lessard (McGill University).

Luis Scoccola (Oxford, UK)

On the need for sparsity in topological inference


In topological inference, one assumes that the input data approximates a topological object, with the goal of inferring topological properties of this object. As such, topological inference includes versions of the clustering problem (by interpreting clusters as connected components), density estimation (by considering the merge tree induced by suplevel sets), as well as manifold learning and dimensionality reduction. Global topological properties, such as number of components, loops or voids, are often quantified and computed using algebra, with the computational cost usually scaling poorly in the size and dimensionality of the input data. A main culprit for this is that most of the standard ways of building topological spaces (graphs or simplicial complexes) on data scale at best linearly in the data, and quite often quadratically or worse. I will overview some motivations for developing a theory of sparse simplicial complexes built on data, and I will describe an approach to sparsification based on approximate nerve theorems and topological optimization.

Robert Vandervorst (VU Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Priestley duality and representations of recurrent dynamics


For an arbitrary dynamical system there is a strong relationship between global dynamics and the order structure of an appropriately constructed Priestley space. This connection provides an order-theoretic framework for studying global dynamics. In the classical setting, the chain recurrent set, introduced by C. Conley, is an example of an ordered Stone space or Priestley space. Priestley duality can be applied in the setting of dynamics on arbitrary topological spaces and yields a notion of Hausdorff compactification of the (chain) recurrent set.

Ewerton Vieira (Rutgers University, USA)

Characterizing Global Dynamics from Sparse Data


In this talk, we introduce a novel framework that, given sparse data generated by a stationary deterministic nonlinear dynamical system, can characterize global dynamic behaviors with rigorous probability guarantees. More precisely, the sparse data is used to construct a statistical surrogate model based on a Gaussian Process (GP). The dynamics of the surrogate model is interrogated using combinatorial methods and characterized through algebraic topological invariants (Conley index). The GP’s predictive distribution provides a lower bound on the confidence that these topological invariants, and therefore the characterized dynamics, apply to the unknown dynamical system. We apply this framework to significantly reduce the amount of data required to describe the underlying global dynamics of robot controllers.

Yanghong Yu (Tokyo Tech, Japan)

Transition Matrix without Continuation in the Conley Index Theory


Given a one-parameter family of flows over a parameter interval Λ, assuming there is a continuation of Morse decompositions over Λ, Reineck defined a singular transition matrix to demonstrate the existence of a connection orbit between some Morse sets at certain parameter points in Λ. This presentation aims to extend the definition of a singular transition matrix to cases where there is no continuation of Morse decompositions over the parameter interval. This extension will aid in studying bifurcations associated with changes in Morse decomposition from a topological dynamics perspective.